Monday, May 15, 2017

“Dance of the Hillary” - hoax or a reality

Social Media, a powerful  tool these days  which can even make some fake message look real because you have  received the same message from number of your friends and when it is advised in the message that do share it with your friend to safeguard their device then how come you can stop yourself from sharing it with your friend, without even knowing the reality of message.

“Please inform all contacts from your list not to open a video called “Dance of the Hillary”. It is a virus that formats your mobile. Beware it is very dangerous. They announced it today on BBC radio. Fwd this msg to as many as you can!”

Hope, till now you may have encountered this message and too have shared it, but is this a reality or just a hoax. Above message describe a virus which can destroy your content if you open a video name “ Dance of the Hillary” but in actual, there is no as such virus and too make news look real, message creator have attached the name of BBC, in actual, there is not any such announcement from BBC side.

Actually, above message is a revamped version of

“Please inform all contacts from your list not to open a video called “Dance of the Pope”. It is a virus that formats your mobile. Beware it is very dangerous. They announced it today on the radio. Fwd this msg to as many as you can! It was announced on a radio in USA.”

This message was again proved to be untrue. So, sharing such wrong information will not be of any kind of help to someone, and if you received such message from your friend then do inform him that it is a hoax.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Is EVM hacking possible?

Elections results are out and BJP has made a tremendous victory in UP and Uttrakhand. But the opposite party has taken out new excuse to mark their existence. EVM HACKED! Is it so?

Earlier we use to make use of ballot paper for casting vote but as the population of India increased counting in the tradition way became difficult. Here came the need of EVM. EVM was first used by Kerala in 1982 at some polling booth and after 2004 EVM was mainstream. EVM machines are manufacture at 2 places in India, first is Bharat Electronic Limited located in Bangalore and second is Electronic Corporation India limited which is located in Hyderabad.

Both of them produce exactly same machine comprising of two part, first is balloting unit which is in front of voter at the time of vote and other  is at the operator end who give command to cast a new vote. EVM machine can hold 16 different parties name and we can maximum connect 4 machines in parallel making the total count of 64 different parties. After all votes are cast, these machines are sealed and finally open at the time of counting.

It seems like that it is tempers prove but still there are some loopholes. There are 2 ways to hack it, first is by changing the display with new display embedded with Bluetooth so that we can alter the screen count through Bluetooth device and other is to directly rewrite memory but as these machines have no ports, therefore for the purpose of rewriting memory you have to open machine. However, both the ways require physical presence of machine with you and imagine manipulating thousands such machines will take how much time.

Now, do you think were the EVM hacked?

Election commission is planning a new system known as Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail where voter can see to whom they have cast vote by checking the confirmation receipt and later on this paper can be used as audit. It was used at 8 places in 2014 election and expected to use everywhere in 2019 election.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

How fingerprint sensor works?

There are plenty of sensors present in our smartphone and fingerprint sensor is one of the most prominent sensor in them.
The password formed by the combination of letter and word can be guessed with the knowledge of computer programming or by hit and trial method. So there was a need of much stronger security, hence fingerprint sensor came into the picture.
There are three different kind of pattern namely Arch, Loop and Whorl which make each fingerprint unique. Fingerprint sensor analyze them for better security and block unauthorized access. Optical fingerprint sensor and Capacitive fingerprint sensor are two major classification of fingerprint sensor.
As one taps his finger from different angle while registering fingerprint for the hardware, Optical fingerprint sensor take snap of finger from different angle and prepare a map removing a common area. This map is stored in the memory and whenever a user tries to open the device with his fingerprint, optical fingerprint sensor makes sure that it is matched with the previous map present in memory. On matching it grant access to use otherwise denied. Map is prepared by taking care of key information of finger like ridges bifurcation, smaller ridges and ridges end. It also takes valley i.e. the gap between two ridges in account to prepare map.

Another kind of fingerprint sensor, i.e. capacitive fingerprint sensor makes use of capacitor of very small size which is placed on the fingerprint sensor. When a user presses his finger on the sensor while registering, ridges area gets activated and capacitor present in the valley region didn’t get activated, and thereafter it prepares a map for the same which is recalled and matched when a user tries to unlock hardware with his fingerprint.
As optical fingerprint sensor takes snap of finger from different angles, so it can be fooled by presenting a copy of fingerprint in front of it, whereas capacitance fingerprint sensor makes use of capacitor and work on ON-OFF concepts so it can’t be fooled easily.

Acceptance rate i.e. how quickly and accurately it identifies fingerprint. Normally the acceptance rate is 90% which make sure that no unauthorized person accesses the account.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Autolikers: Do you really need it?

Like for like, you like my post and I will like your post back. The trending concept which todays youngsters are using to gain more likes on their photos to show their social status. To accompany their need, there are many autolikers sites available which work on the same concept of like for like. So, do you really need them to increase your social status? Let’s have a look.

So, if one want to have more likes then he goes to autolikers sites and register their with one’s facebook id and allow this third party site to use their personal info and control their complete facebook profile. So, if suppose there are x user registered with this autolikers sites and you are one of them, then this site will pick some of their users profile and will give that numbers of like to your post. In the same way, if other users will post something, autolikers site may use your profile to give them a like and you may unknowingly like something that is against society, which may lead you to danger.

Even, Facebook is against this policy of like for like. So, if facebook detect some invalid activity from your profile, they may ban you from commenting and liking for month or a week. Now, you just give a thought is it okay to give access to your facebook profile for some likes on your post, hope you will make a right decision. And if you are already using it and want to escape it from now, then do reset your password and change your account privacy setting from public to friends.

Think wisely, Think twice!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

777888999, Is it a dangerous number?

777888999, a number which is gaining lots of popularity these days. Even you have till now seen this message on your social accounts claiming not to pick a phone from this number, as it is a dangerous call and will result in your phone blast.

Hats off guys, I mean literally sometimes we forward messages in which it is written warn you friend and family, without even considering the reality of that message. Same is the situation of this message. Okay guys, don’t blindly believe me or any other tech blogger, you just give a thought on it. Is it possible that a phone call can make your phone blast?

If your answer is yes, then I may say what’s the need of buying such expensive smartphone, if a call can make them blast and then the best part will be that Samsung can give excuses about the blast of their galaxy note 7. They can easily say that their phone got blast because of a call from 777888999, isn’t it so interesting?

So, do trust your mobile company that the product they have given you is completely secured and till date there exist no technology which will result in blasting phone with a call, so guys, just be relax and tension free.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Why do my eyes glow red in photos?

You may have encountered the red eye option in every photo editing software  and sometime you too have encounter these magical red eyes in yours  photos, if not, go and click a photo in dark. So,  what actually are these red eyes?

The blame for this  go to the bright flash of camera, and how your eyes adapts to changes in light. Your eyes are basically fluid filled orbs that can detect light and sense messages to your brain, so you can see images. Light passes through a thin membrane called cornea, then a hole called the pupil, and then a lens so it can be focused and absorbed by photoreceptor cells in the back of your eyes. Your pupil filled by this muscles filled structures called the iris, which is the colored part of your eye. You don’t consciously move these muscles, but they control how big your pupil is, and how much light can in.
When it’s dark your iris make the pupil wider to let more light into your eyes and when it’s bright your pupil get contracted.  So, the Red Eye Effect usually happens in a dark environment when your eyes are widen enough. Normally, all the light that enters your eye is absorbed by photoreceptors, or by a pigment called Melanin in a tissue layer in the back of your eyes-the same pigment that influences the color of your skin, hair and iris. And since your eyes absorb all colors, make pupils look black. But if there is sudden a bright camera flash and all that light floods into your eyes, before your eyes have time to contract. Some of it might reflect off the blood vessels in back of your eyes, making it glow up.
So, how to fix them? To fix such problem, there are camera with multiple flash i.e. before glowing actual flash, they glow demo flash which help your eyes to adjust. You can also skip from red eye effect, either by not directly focusing on camera or by shifting the focus of light to nearby object.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is there nano GPS chip in new 2000Rs notes?

New notes are about to come in the market and people are talking about GPS technology in these new notes of 2000Rs. With this GPS you can be tracked down if there is a huge collection of notes in your house even if you buried them deep in the ground. Your WhatsApp may be popping up with the message of having nano GPS chip in upcoming new notes, now if I say that there is also a fingerprint scanner in these note so that no one else can use your note and these note will slap you if you misuse it, you will laugh rolling on the floor. Actually, there is no such nanochip in these upcoming new notes, rumors are saying that nano chip embedded in notes will receive and reflect signal coming from the satellite and too that this chip needs no power. Just think that how the signal will be able to maintain their strength all way down to Earth, and if some how this may be possible then to embedded chip will not be able to reflect back it completely to satellite. Now just think if we kept these notes in the metal box, then signal can't  track it due to faraday cage which will be formed.

Beside this fake news of GPS, there are really some new features like Mangalyan and Red Fort on 2000 and 500 notes respectively, Bharat is also written on security thread and the too amount of note is written in 15 different languages.