Thursday, December 15, 2016

Why do my eyes glow red in photos?

You may have encountered the red eye option in every photo editing software  and sometime you too have encounter these magical red eyes in yours  photos, if not, go and click a photo in dark. So,  what actually are these red eyes?

The blame for this  go to the bright flash of camera, and how your eyes adapts to changes in light. Your eyes are basically fluid filled orbs that can detect light and sense messages to your brain, so you can see images. Light passes through a thin membrane called cornea, then a hole called the pupil, and then a lens so it can be focused and absorbed by photoreceptor cells in the back of your eyes. Your pupil filled by this muscles filled structures called the iris, which is the colored part of your eye. You don’t consciously move these muscles, but they control how big your pupil is, and how much light can in.
When it’s dark your iris make the pupil wider to let more light into your eyes and when it’s bright your pupil get contracted.  So, the Red Eye Effect usually happens in a dark environment when your eyes are widen enough. Normally, all the light that enters your eye is absorbed by photoreceptors, or by a pigment called Melanin in a tissue layer in the back of your eyes-the same pigment that influences the color of your skin, hair and iris. And since your eyes absorb all colors, make pupils look black. But if there is sudden a bright camera flash and all that light floods into your eyes, before your eyes have time to contract. Some of it might reflect off the blood vessels in back of your eyes, making it glow up.
So, how to fix them? To fix such problem, there are camera with multiple flash i.e. before glowing actual flash, they glow demo flash which help your eyes to adjust. You can also skip from red eye effect, either by not directly focusing on camera or by shifting the focus of light to nearby object.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is there nano GPS chip in new 2000Rs notes?

New notes are about to come in the market and people are talking about GPS technology in these new notes of 2000Rs. With this GPS you can be tracked down if there is a huge collection of notes in your house even if you buried them deep in the ground. Your WhatsApp may be popping up with the message of having nano GPS chip in upcoming new notes, now if I say that there is also a fingerprint scanner in these note so that no one else can use your note and these note will slap you if you misuse it, you will laugh rolling on the floor. Actually, there is no such nanochip in these upcoming new notes, rumors are saying that nano chip embedded in notes will receive and reflect signal coming from the satellite and too that this chip needs no power. Just think that how the signal will be able to maintain their strength all way down to Earth, and if some how this may be possible then to embedded chip will not be able to reflect back it completely to satellite. Now just think if we kept these notes in the metal box, then signal can't  track it due to faraday cage which will be formed.

Beside this fake news of GPS, there are really some new features like Mangalyan and Red Fort on 2000 and 500 notes respectively, Bharat is also written on security thread and the too amount of note is written in 15 different languages.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Myths that you still believe about TECHNOLOGY-

With the advancement of technology, myths about technology are also growing. Let’s have a look at them-

1. File deleted from recycle bin cannot be restored-  Actually, it is not so, even the file deleted from recycle bin can be restored, until its memory location is overwritten by any other file. So, even if you deleted a file by mistake, it can be restored.

2. More bar on a cell phone means better signal- Another most common myth is related to the number of signal bar i.e. Signal strength is directly proportional to the number of bars. Signal bands only depict your closeness to server antenna. Signal strength depends on crowd on that server and weather conditions.

3. Apple system are not vulnerable to Virus- Another most common myth is related to effect of virus on Apple Systems. Even they too are vulnerable to Virus but as there are more Windows users than Mac, therefore virus developers focus on harming Windows rather than Mac.

4. Internet and www are same-www is a subset of the Internet and not a synonym for it. Internet comprise of www, college networks, industry network and different other networks.

5. Expensive HDMI cables are better-HDMI cables transfer digital signal, so even if you buy gold plated cable of Rs1400 or non-gold plated HDMI cable of Rs.350, there will be no difference in picture quality. So, spend wisely.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Tech-GEN-ology Gap

TECH-GEN-OLOGY GAP, just break the title and you would come to know that we are going on a dive of tech world and how entertainment technology add up to our lives.

RADIO, do you buy particular radio nowadays. Maximum of yours answer will be in negation, but going back just 7-10 years back you can see particular radio in each house and moving 40-42 years back you can’t imagine that one used to go into post-office to pay for the radio. That is truly unbelievable, nowadays we listen radio either in car or when our smartphones song memory doesn’t sooth our ear.

As the technology grew, black and white TV, in today’s language a DUBBA, which nowadays is totally not considerable. You can see them in some of the house as a showpiece or in the storeroom. But years back, having this DUBBA was a matter of pride and people use to collect together to watch a special episode and the family which hold that TV, hold great importance among the group. As the days passed color TV started replacing old TV. Slowly the TV come into budget of many people. Getting slimmer was just a add-on which increased the sale of flat TV with a motto of saving space and a better picture quality. 
 Now this is the era of smart TV, 3D TV, UHD TV where your hand is your remote control. Although they are more costly but the love and the need of entertainment at ones maximum comfort level always give a kick to engineers to develop more.

 Our source of entertainment which just started with audio transfer is now completely turning into virtual reality giving a sense of character near you.

For any help regarding technology and how to stand out of crowd join this fb group.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Is ATM a computer?

What you think, ATM is computer or not? Confused…lets go back in primary classes where we had been introduced with the term computer.
Machine that take input, process it and give us output. So now, ATM take input in the form of your card, process it and give you a desirable output i.e. money. So, can we now say ATM is a computer, its fulfilling our definition, is it so?

…wondering…is this definition of computer is hiding something…let’s move on legally and we should look at IT Act what it say about computer?
As per IT Act, computer in large means it cannot make use of interpreting an entry under fiscal legislation.

So, ATM IS NOT A COMPUTER BY ITSELF BUT ACTUALLY IT IS connected to a computer which allow us to withdrawal cash and check other details without the need of human teller.
A case was trialed on the same issue between diebold system pvt. Ltd. And commissioner of commercial taxes. Diebold company manufatures ATM.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Being Anonymous

Its sound really cool, being anonymous. Posting or commenting something anonymously is what many desire. But as a thing has positive and negative impact, it too has. Sometime one need to be anonymous for the social cause while the other misuse it for self-interest. Surfing the web, you may have found many anonymous comment which show anger toward a personality or aiming to slow down the popularity of some institute.


How being anonymous can help us?


Aiming for better world but fear to say something against corrupt personality, okay, being anonymous will help you for sure. You can express your feeling anonymously, with a better.


Is being anonymous affect someone?


Yeah, anonymous comment may hurt someone, if your comment goes against society, person or institute.






Go anonymous for better…

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lost your android phone?

Don't worry! Google account user have a special power to delete all their phone memory and only one screen will come that is managed by Android, in which your number will be displayed with the message to call back to user.


So how its work, if you have your gmail id signed in laptop and mobile, so you can go to lost my phone option in google account and follow simple step to locate and delete the data remotely and prevent other to use them.



Friday, August 5, 2016

Why touchpad of laptop is left aligned?

Have you ever wonder why the touchpad of your laptop is left aligned, if not give it a thought…..

Didn’t get it, just remove your laptop from the table if you have kept it, and place it on your lap….now just try to use it imagining your touchpad is on your right side. Are you facing problem in typing? It will decrease your typing speed as not provide proper resting space to your palm. Now imagine if it was Centre aligned. Then you will have to move your hand more and face problem in writing letter O,P,L,K,M in speed.

Thus we can conclude that left-aligned touchpad provide us a better grip to write and increase our efficiency.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

What is type C Charger?

 Every one of us know what is charger, but what we mean by C-Type.

 Okay, no more of suspense let introduce you to the new era of C-Type. Actually, it’s a faster way of charging your devices like mobile phone or laptop. If you have a laptop, you have those bulky charger, which you need to carry. Now just say goodbye to your bulky laptop charger, tech giant-Apple has introduce this type of charger for the macbook and the other company to provide this is Letv( globally LeEco) for its mobile.

This kind of charger benefit you by providing faster way of charging your gadgets, more better way of data transfer and ends to heavy ac adaptor of laptop.