Monday, January 16, 2017

Autolikers: Do you really need it?

Like for like, you like my post and I will like your post back. The trending concept which todays youngsters are using to gain more likes on their photos to show their social status. To accompany their need, there are many autolikers sites available which work on the same concept of like for like. So, do you really need them to increase your social status? Let’s have a look.

So, if one want to have more likes then he goes to autolikers sites and register their with one’s facebook id and allow this third party site to use their personal info and control their complete facebook profile. So, if suppose there are x user registered with this autolikers sites and you are one of them, then this site will pick some of their users profile and will give that numbers of like to your post. In the same way, if other users will post something, autolikers site may use your profile to give them a like and you may unknowingly like something that is against society, which may lead you to danger.

Even, Facebook is against this policy of like for like. So, if facebook detect some invalid activity from your profile, they may ban you from commenting and liking for month or a week. Now, you just give a thought is it okay to give access to your facebook profile for some likes on your post, hope you will make a right decision. And if you are already using it and want to escape it from now, then do reset your password and change your account privacy setting from public to friends.

Think wisely, Think twice!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

777888999, Is it a dangerous number?

777888999, a number which is gaining lots of popularity these days. Even you have till now seen this message on your social accounts claiming not to pick a phone from this number, as it is a dangerous call and will result in your phone blast.

Hats off guys, I mean literally sometimes we forward messages in which it is written warn you friend and family, without even considering the reality of that message. Same is the situation of this message. Okay guys, don’t blindly believe me or any other tech blogger, you just give a thought on it. Is it possible that a phone call can make your phone blast?

If your answer is yes, then I may say what’s the need of buying such expensive smartphone, if a call can make them blast and then the best part will be that Samsung can give excuses about the blast of their galaxy note 7. They can easily say that their phone got blast because of a call from 777888999, isn’t it so interesting?

So, do trust your mobile company that the product they have given you is completely secured and till date there exist no technology which will result in blasting phone with a call, so guys, just be relax and tension free.